包容性卓越中心为所有学生创造空间,探索他们的交叉身份,并批判性地跨越差异, 以历史上被边缘化和在高等教育中代表性不足的群体的经历为中心. The CIE hosts programming in conjunction with Heritage Awareness Months; provides trainings and workshops focused on building a more equitable and just society; and, 与学生参与及领导能力发展(SILD)合作, advises identity-based student affinity groups.

为了实现包容性卓越中心的使命和愿景, as well as those of the Division of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement at Framingham State University, we commit to:

  • respecting individual differences;
  • 肯定我们社会每个成员的固有尊严;
  • 在我们的工作中集中和放大学生的声音和叙述;
  • 为勇敢地讨论种族问题创造机会, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, religion, and other identities;
  • 大胆而有意地倡导公平和社会正义;
  • 公开反对仇恨、歧视和骚扰行为;
  • acting with intention, integrity, and transparency.

包容性卓越中心位于奥康纳大厅一楼的奥康纳休息室(OC 120),并在大楼开放时开放. 工作人员一般在周一至周五的上午9点至下午5点工作.

Upon entering O’Connor Lounge, visitors will find the CIE Main Lounge, CIE Lounge Annex, CIE Classroom, CIE Meeting Room, and office of the Director of the CIE. The Center for Civic Engagement is also located in O’Connor Lounge.


General Guidelines for Using the CIE

我们希望所有到CIE的游客都能为维护这个共享空间做出贡献,并保持良好的秩序. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Leave the CIE better than you found it!
  • Respect other people who are also using the space.
  • Existing furniture remains as-is. Furniture is not designed to be removed from the space.
  • 由于空间有限,不能再增加家具.
  • Clean up after yourself. 使用垃圾桶和回收箱来处理剩下的食物和其他物品.
  • Flooring and furniture must remain in good condition. 导致过度清洁或修理的泄漏或其他损坏(例如.g.(如室内装潢或地毯被弄脏)的费用将退还给活动组织者.
  • Ask CIE staff for help if you are unsure about anything.


Jerome Burke

Jerome Burke加入十大网赌信誉平台担任主任, Centre for Inclusive Excellence on June 5, 2023. 他是牙买加人,拥有超过8年的沟通经验,并与青年、弱势群体和边缘化群体一起工作. 他获得了西印度群岛大学(牙买加)的整合营销和传播硕士学位,以及技术大学(牙买加)的法学学士学位。. 

他的方案规划和宣传工作包括担任牙买加艾滋病生命支持的传播顾问, 在那里,他发起了旨在改善艾滋病毒感染者和受艾滋病影响者生活的运动,并改善LGBTQ+社区获得治疗和预防服务的机会.

杰罗姆曾担任牙买加主要人权组织的政策顾问. 他还在卫生和保健部担任项目顾问, 他在哪里实施了一项旨在为社会经济背景较低的公民提供更多医疗保健服务的计划.

杰罗姆在主要利益相关者中设计并领导了一些非常有影响力的人权和多样性培训他的杰出工作得到了美国国际开发署(USAID)的认可, President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), 并感谢他为应对COVID-19大流行而实施的沟通和外联战略. Through initiatives he has led, many policymakers, 执法人员和医疗工作者对多样性更为敏感, Equity, and Inclusion.

杰罗姆还是牙买加最受欢迎的两部YouTube系列电影的创意作家和导演. He desires to continue creatively advocating for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, as this is his undying passion.

Jerome Burke
Emma Laurie

Emma Laurie

在2022年9月,艾玛加入了包容性卓越中心作为项目协调员. 艾玛于2022年5月毕业于十大网赌信誉平台,主修犯罪学, and minors in psychology and sociology. 在弗雷明汉工作期间,艾玛还是一名实习生 2022年春季学期的包容性卓越中心, in fulfillment of an upper-level sociology course, Internship in Sociology/Criminology. While an intern, 艾玛帮助开发了有关种族等主题的编程和演讲, LGBTQ+, and disability justice. 她还担任CIE和基于身份的学生亲和团体之间的联络人, 目标是为具有不同身份的学生创造一个有意义的互动环境. 她热衷于重新加入家庭,帮助扩大学生支持, develop programming to serve the needs of the FSU community, 并试图帮助十大网赌信誉平台成为一个对所有人都更具包容性的空间.  

In her free time, Emma enjoys reading, taking her service dog Dixie on walks, baking, and watching the latest show on Netflix. Emma believes heavily that art, specifically media, has a huge impact and that representation matters, 并且喜欢创建和分享媒体的观看列表,以突出边缘化的声音.

Contact the Team

Photo of Jerome Burke

Jerome Burke

Director, Center for Inclusive Excellence (CIE)
Photo of Emma Laurie

Emma Laurie

Program Coordinator, Center for Inclusive Excellence
O'Connor Hall